Coolthing reviews
5 min readMay 18, 2024



Today we will be talking about how to create and publish a ebook on amazon kindle us this ebook software call sqribble. before we beginning to publishing the ebook on amazon kindle let talk about what is sqribble and how to create your ebook.

SQRIBBLE is a cloud-based software that helps you to create amazing Ebook, reports, and whitepapers for 67 dollar no monthly subscriptions .choose a sqribble ebook template that base on your niche when you’re ready to publish, you hit the little “Generate eBook” button in the top right corner of the screen and then save as a PDF and upload on amazon or other website now let publish it on amazon

Step 1 You need an Amazon account to publish with Kindle Direct Publishing. If you don’t have one, that’s the first step you must complete to learn how to publish an eBook on Amazon.

  • Go to amazon and register your Amazon account.
  • Click on the “Get Started” button.
  • Click on the “Get Started” button.
  • Sign in with your Amazon login credentials


Your eBook files must be formatted correctly in order for them to be uploaded to the Amazon platform. the format must be EPUB file orHTML (ZIP, HTM, or HTML) Yes, it is possible to publish a PDF file as an e-book on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). However, it is recommended to convert the PDF file to a Kindle-friendly format such as MOBI or EPUB before uploading it to KDP for better readability and functionality on Kindle devices that is why you use should convertio it is a website that help convert PDF to EPUB FILE Yes, it is possible to publish a PDF file as an e-book on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). However, it is recommended to convert the PDF file to a Kindle-friendly format such as MOBI or EPUB before uploading it to KDP for better readability and functionality on Kindle devices that is why you use should Amazon’s automatic conversion service to help convert your ebook to any file


The next step of learning how to publish an eBook on Amazon is finally uploading it to KDP. This goes beyond just uploading the file — you’re going to need to enter more information to complete your full eBook listing on Amazon

Follow these steps on the KDP site

  • Select “Kindle eBook.”
  • Click “Create a New Title.”
  • Click on the “+” button to set up your Kindle eBook.
  • Sign in again with your Amazon password. This takes you inside your KDP Bookshelf.
  • Enter all the details for your book, including the book file, your book cover design, pricing and more.

Step 4

Next step in self-publishing an eBook on Amazon is to select your book release option. This is simple andstraightforward, with only two options:

Release it now: This means you are not doing pre-order, but, by the time you are finished filling in all the eBook details, you will launch immediately. If this is not the case, click on the “save draft” option at the bottom of the page. You can publish your eBook anytime after all these steps are completed.Make your book available for pre-order: Here, you can learn about Amazon’s pre-order book release process. I would recommend this if you plan to drive traffic to your book and create plenty of buzz before it is released. It is a good way to get your book ranking before it is even live in the store (yes, that’s possible!) he technical publishing process is almost complete! While entering all of the details for your eBook is tedious, it’s still easier than you might think, and it’s a necessary step in learning how to publish an eBook.

Here are the steps to upload your files

Check either “Yes” or “No” for whether or not you want your book to be protected under Digital Rights Management.Digital Rights ManagementTo upload your manuscript, it first must be saved in a supported kindle format. If you had your book professionally formatted, your formatter should provide you with the correct book format for Kindle eBook, which is generally a KPF file or pre-formatted Word template.


The supported eBook formats accepted are listed below

Microsoft Word (DOC/DOCX

Kindle Package Format (KPF)




Rich Text Format (RTF)

Plain Text (TXT)

Adobe PDF (PDF)

  • Click on the button “Upload eBook manuscript” from the second page of your shelf.
  • Select your saved eBook file from your computer
  • Click “Upload your cover file.”
  • Select your cover file from your desktop to upload it


You’re in the home stretch! You’re almost done with learning how to publish an eBook.While we’ve covered a ton of information, it’s all valuable content for you to know so that you can make an informed decision.There are a few more steps to finish, then you will officially be a published author! Price your eBook and royalty optionsA common question often asked is: “How much should my book be after the launch is over?”

This is always up to the author. But to help you decide, there are two royalty options for your book: 25% and 60%. If your book is below $3.99, you must choose 25%. Between $3.99 and $8.99, you are paid 60% of the sale of your eBook. So, ideally you want your book priced within this range.This is the moment you’ve been waiting for! Before rushing in, take a moment to click back through the previous tabs and ensure everything is set up exactly the way you want it 一 you can do that by clicking “Back to Content” on the left.Although you can correct a mistake after you’ve published, it’s better to ensure the information is right before you hit that button. If you’re not quite ready, a “Save as Draft” button will allow you to come back and finish later. If everything looks good, there’s nothing left to do but hit “Publish your Kindle ebook”.

Congratulations, you did it! As you see, publishing a book on Amazon isn’t nearly as scary as it seems. Your book will appear on Amazon bookshelves soon 一 it may take up to 72 hours for, and up to five days for country-specific Amazon sites. Now you can focus all your energy on publicity and marketing to get the ebook software CLICK HERE FOR THE EBOOK SOFTWARE+ COUPON CODE.



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